Thursday, December 28, 2017

MDM (Mechanically Deboned Meat) tu apa?

Teks : Syikin Jana

Gambar : Google

Salah satu `'Value' produk Khayr adalah [ Tidak menggunakan Mechanically Deboned Meat) (MDM)].

Pada mulanya saya tak berapa jelas juga apa MDM tu? Teringat saya perbualan satu masa dulu pada tahun 2013 yang saya simpan di Page, rupanya berguna untuk rujukan hari ini.

Kawan saya di Facebook dan sahabat alam maya ada macam macam karier dan kerjaya. Saya sayang mereka sebab suka kongsi info tentang bisnes, diet, motivasi dan banyak lagi!

Siapa Puan M? Beliau adalah pemilik Ladang Ayam Bismi, salah satu produk yang saya pasarkan sekarang.

" Info tentang BURGER SOSEJ - ni akak nak ulang... bahan yg digunakan dlm tu ialah isi ibu ayam yg umurnya dah dkt 2 thn.. yg depa dok cerita suntik2 ayam ni la..disuntik hormon sebab nak kasi dia bertelur byk.. telur dia tu akan dihatch dan dijadikan anak ayam utk akak ternak jadi ayam yg u all mkn tu...

dan akak nak ulang akak pernah debone isi ayam ni utk sebuah sykt burger terkenal..semua lemak kulit depa ambil.. gaul sekali dlm tu.. lepas tu masuk segala bahan perisa etc...

NAK makan lagi ka menda mcm tu.. melainkan u all mkn burger mahal2 lain la kot. "

Tulisan tokey ini buat saya fikir semula nak belikan makanan segera kepada anak sehinggalah saya jumpa kilang yang boleh buatkan Healthy Sosej & Burger untuk kita semua

Info dari Wikipedia

Mechanically separated meat (MSM), mechanically recovered/reclaimed meat (MRM), or mechanically deboned meat (MDM) is a paste-like meat product produced by forcing pureed or ground beef, pork, turkey or chicken, under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue. It is sometimes called white slime as an analog to meat-additive pink slime and to meat extracted by advanced meat recovery systems, both of which are different processes. The process entails pureeing or grinding the carcass left after the manual removal of meat from the bones and then forcing the slurry through a sieve under pressure. This puree includes bone, bone marrow, skin, nerves, blood vessels, and the scraps of meat remaining on the bones. The resulting product is a blend primarily consisting of tissues not generally considered meat along with a much smaller amount of actual meat (muscle tissue). In some countries such as the United States, these non-meat materials are processed separately for human and non-human uses and consumption. [1] The process is controversial; Forbes, for example, called it a "not-so-appetizing meat production process".[2]

Mechanically separated meat has been used in certain meat and meat products, such as hot dogs and bologna sausage,[2] since the late 1960s. However, not all such meat products are manufactured using an MSM process. In fact, many are not, particularly in the U.S. For the production of chicken and turkey MSM, most of the time, breast carcasses are used as they still contain parts of breast meat.

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